Four young filmmakers have been shortlisted for the twelfth year of the TOTO Awards for Short Film. Their names, in no particular order, are:
Adheep Das (Chandraheen [Moonless]), New Delhi
Payal Chauhan (Kesi Bauraanee [Such Madwomen!]), Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh
Ayon Pratim Saikia (Lullaby of Waves), Ahmedabad
Khushi (ख़ुशी की रोशनी [Khushi’s Roshni]), Lucknow
TFA congratulates all the shortlisted applicants and wishes them all the very best!
The two winners, who will each receive a cash prize of ₹60,000, will be announced at the TOTO Awards ceremony to be held at the Bangalore International Centre on Saturday, 3 February 2024. The names of the jurors will be announced at the same time.
These awards are being supported by O2 Financials.
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